
In Part I of this article we discussed the basics of control flow: gotos, labels, conditional branching, and looping. In Part II, we'll discuss two other methods of control flow: subroutines and recursion. By adding these two methods of control flow to our methods of working, we'll be able to encapsulate code into easily reusable chunks as well as be able to express the possibility of having code branch out to a copy of itself, which will allow a certain Csound technique which is not possible any other way (instantiating and using a variable number of opcodes).

III. Subroutines: User-Defined Opcodes

So far, we have taken looks at a few ways to control the flow within one body of code. However, it is often useful to package up code into its own named resource and to call that code from within the main body of code, diverting away temporarily from the main code body to another body of code, then returning back to the main code body. To do this, we make subroutines, a named body of code that we can call to from any other body of code and that will return back to the main body of code. With a subroutine we can identify its meaning with a clear and useful name (i.e. this code inverts an ftable, so we'll call the subroutine ftableInvert), and also easily reuse the code amongst different instruments and different projects. In Csound, we are able to use subroutines by using the User-Defined Opcode system.

Let's take a look at the last code example from Part I:

itable = 1
itablesize = ftlen(itable)
i_index = 0


ival tablei i_index, itable
ival = ival * -1
tableiw ival, i_index, itable

loop_lt i_index, 1, itablesize, loopStart

This code has been set up to be very easily reusable. If you wanted to take this code and use with another ftable, all you would have to do is make a copy and change what ftable you were working on by reassigning itable to another number (on the first line). Beyond that one variable, all of the rest of the code is setup to work without change.

By simply copying and pasting it would be easy to reuse this code, and if it was something that was very specific to a particular instrument design and you knew that you weren't going to use this code often, you might simply go that route of copying and pasting. However, there are some drawback to just copying and pasting:

However, if we take this code and encapsulate it into a subroutine--in the case of Csound, we would use the User-Defined Opcode system--we could give this set of code an easily identified name and pass information into the subroutine as well as get information out of the subroutine. Then, anytime we wanted to use this code, we would only have to call it like any other opcode in Csound.

Creating a UDO(User-Defined Opcode), we also wouldn't have to worry about the problems of renaming labels or clashing variable names, as that information stays local to the UDO code. Consequently, the UDO does not know about information in the calling instrument or UDO, so you have to pass in information as well as return information from the UDO. We could use global variables which all code can see, but that's generally a bad practice for this kind of coding so is not encouraged. We'll look at the passing-in and returning values more later.

User-Defined Opcodes, like normal opcodes that come with Csound, have a name as well as out arguments and in arguments. When calling the opcode, out arguments come first (if there are any), then the name of the opcode to be called, and then finally the in arguments. To define a User-Defined Opcode, we define it like this:

        opcode opname, outargtypes, inargtypes
inargs  xin


        xout outarg

The first line starts with "opcode" which tells Csound we're defining a User-Defined Opcode. After that is the name ofthe opcode we're making. Since we have code that inverts an ftable, we'll name our opcode "ftableInvert". Following that comes a definition of types of input arguments as a series of letters to define what kind of arguments ftable invert will return as output, as well as another definition of input argument types. (The argument types we are allowed to use are defined in the manual here.)

Getting back to our code, we know that we want to be able to reuse this code with any ftable, simply by telling what ftable number this code is supposed to use. The code runs on the ftable itself so after its is finished, there is nothing in the code that will be required to be returned. Knowing this, we know that for the UDO definition, we need to set it so it takes in one irate variable (the ftable number), and returns nothing.

Here's what our code would look like as a UDO:

        opcode ftableInvert 0, i
itable  xin

itablesize  = ftlen(itable)
i_index     = 0


ival    tablei i_index, itable
ival    = ival * -1
        tableiw ival, i_index, itable 

loop_lt i_index, 1, itablesize, loopStart


In the opcode declaration on the first line, the code translates to "create an opcode named ftableInvert with 0 out arguments and 1 in argument of type i". The second line with xin collects the input values and assigns them to variables within the UDO; we have only one input argument of type i and we assign it to the variable itable. The code that follows that does the inversion of the ftable should be familiar from Part I of this article. We complete the opcode definition with "endop", thus creating our own opcode using Csound code.

To call this UDO, we do so in the same way we call any other opcode in Csound. Because Csound (and most programming languages) interpret as they read code line by line, we have to make sure that we define the UDO before we use it in our instruments.

In the example below, all of this would be in either the ORC file or within the <CsInstruments> tags in a CSD file.

    opcode ftableInvert 0, i
itable  xin

itablesize = ftlen(itable)
i_index = 0


ival    tablei i_index, itable
ival = ival * -1
tableiw ival, i_index, itable 

loop_lt i_index, 1, itablesize, loopStart


    instr 1

itable1 = p4
itable2 = p5

ftableInvert itable1
ftableInvert itable2


We have started off by defining the ftableInvert UDO, then later on in instr 1, we use that opcode we made just like we call any other opcode in Csound.


UDO's are a powerful way to create your own opcodes and make it easy to reuse code you commonly use. You can also find many UDO's to study and use at the Csound UDO Repository here on

Now that we've seen how to make subroutines out of Csound code using User-Defined Opcodes, let's take a look at a programming technique using UDO's that call themselves, and how that can be useful to you in your own work.

IV. Recursion

In Part I of this article we saw how to use iteration (loops) to handle doing a task a variable number of times, but there is another technique to achieve the same effect: recursion. Recursion in programming refers to when a function or subroutine calls itself. Most things which can be expressed using iteration can also be done using a recursive function and vice versa. Recursion is often noted for its elegance in expressing an algorithm, but also noted for performance inefficiencies. While most things that require a variable number of operations can be expressed by either iteration or recursion, there usually are cases where one would work better than another. Before we get into discussing the merits of either way of coding, let's take a look at how to use recursion.

The example CSD below has an instrument that uses Additive Synthesis to create a sound. The primary sound generation comes from the yi_add_table UDO that reads a set of partial numbers and strengths from an ftable and uses an oscil3 with a sine ftable to generate the signal. You might be asking why aren't we using a simple gen10 ftable with a single oscil3: the instrument applies different powers of a 0-1 scaled envelope to each partial individually, so the application of amplitude must happen on a per-partial basis.

The code below makes lower partials stronger during lower volumes and have higher partials come in quickly as the amplitude rises. NOTE: the implementation isn't great and modifications could be made to introduce a scaling factor so that how strong the higher partials synthesize could be dependent on amplitude (quieter notes are darker while louder notes are brighter) but that is beyond the scope of this article).

The example is as follows:

/* Generates a signal from an ftable using additive synthesis */



/* Table that define harmonic number and strength of that harmonic */
gitab1 ftgen 1, 0, 16, -2,   1, 1, 2, .8, 3, .6, 4, .4, 5, .2, \
gitab2 ftgen 2, 0, 16, -2,   1, 1, 2, .9, 3, .8, 4, .7, 5, .6, \
                                6, .5, 7, .4, 8, .3
gitab2 ftgen 3, 0, 16, -2,   1, 1, 2, .5, 3, .25, 4, .125, \ 
                                5, .0625, 6, .03125, 0,0,0,0

gi_sine ftgen 0, 0, 65537, 10, 1

    opcode yi_add_table,a,ikko

itable, kenv, kpch, i_index xin

itablesize = ftlen(itable)

ifreq tablei i_index, itable
iamp tablei i_index + 1, itable

kfreq = kpch * ifreq

if (iamp > 0) then
  asig oscil3 iamp, kfreq, gi_sine
    asig = 0

kcount = 0
kenv_local = kenv


kenv_local = kenv_local * kenv

loop_lt kcount, 2, i_index + 2, loopStart

asig = asig * kenv_local

aout = asig

if (i_index < itablesize - 2) then
   anextsig yi_add_table itable, kenv, kpch, i_index + 2
    aout = aout + anextsig

if (i_index == 0) then
   aout balance aout, asig

    xout aout


   instr 1 ;Example Instrument
ipch = cpspch(p4)
iamp = ampdb(p5)
itab = p6

kenv   linseg 0, p3 * .5, 1, p3 * .5, 0

aout    yi_add_table itab, kenv, ipch

aout = aout * iamp

outs aout, aout




i1    0.0 8.5625  8.00    80  1  
i1  11.421875   8.5625  8.03    80  1  
i1  30.5625 9.78125 7.01    80  1  
i1  8.140625    9.78125 7.01    80  2  
i1  23.5    9.703125    7.03    80  2  
i1  1.078125    9.703125    7.03    80  3  
i1  17.84375    9.703125    8.00    80  3  
i2  0   40.34375   



I have hilighted above in red the recursive call: you can see that the yi_add_table opcode calls itself! If you haven't seen code like this you might be thinking to yourself, "Okay, so I call this UDO and starts at the beginning of the UDO and when it gets to the call to itself, it starts at the beginning of the UDO again and when it gets to the call to itself it... Wait! Isn't this going to go on infinitely?". Well, if the code doesn't have any way to stop it from calling itself, then yes, it would be an infinite loop. However, in the example above, if you look at the if statement that surrounds the call to itself, you'll see that it is checking if the i_index that's being passed in to the UDO is less than the size of the ftable. That's the check that will eventually terminate the UDO calls to itself and start returning back to where it was called from.

In the example, the yi_add_table opcode is set to take in an ftable number, a k-rate envelope signal, a k-rate frequency signal, and an optional i_index parameter that defaults to 0. In the calling instrument (instr 1) we see how that UDO is called without an i_index. So if we follow along the code, the first time the UDO is called i_index defaults to 0, then in the UDO when it calls itself, it does so but adding 2 to the current i_index. If you keep thinking through this, the i_index will keep increasing each time the UDO calls itself until the test comparing i_index and itablesize will fail and the recursive call to the UDO starts to unwind back to the original UDO call.

Other Notable Code

There is also two other interesting sections of code. The first is a a loop:


kenv_local = kenv_local * kenv

loop_lt kcount, 2, i_index + 2, loopStart

The loop allows us to multiply kenv by itself n number of times where n is what number of the partial we're currently synthesizing. This is what gives the envelope its slope for every partial. While we certainly could have redone this code to also use recursion, I wanted to do this within the body of the UDO and not have a separate UDO for this part of the code. There is also another reason to not use recursion here, namely that of memory and function call overhead, but that will explained later in the article. It's enough to know that on the whole, using loops is more efficient than recursion and recursion should only be used in special circumstances.

The second section of code I wanted to highlight is:

if (i_index == 0) then
    aout balance aout, asig

This section of code allows us balance out the overall signal with the signal strength of the first partial. By checking what i_index we're currently on, this code will not run unless we're in the initial call of the UDO. If we follow through the code, what happens is that instrument 1 initially calls the yi_add_table UDO and is expecting a signal to be generated. Each call to the UDO will return a signal to that which called it, whether it is a UDO or an instrument. When the UDO calls itself, it collects the generated signal of the UDO it called and mixes it with the signal the current UDO itself generates. Since I only wanted to call balance when all the signals are collected up, the code is set up to check where we are in the UDO calls: in this case, if i_index is equal to 0, we know we are in the UDO that is synthesizing the original partial, therefore, call the balance opcode.

When to Use Recursion

Recursion is often considered elegant in programming and it is also particularly effective when working with tree data structures, though that doesn't happen too often in Csound and likely won't be a concern for most users. However, recursion comes with a price of more memory and function call overhead than iteration (the explanation of this is beyond the scope of this article, but many texts on this can be found on the Internet). In general, iteration is faster and requires less memory than recursion, therefore it is recommended to solve problems using iteration first and only then use recursion when necessary in Csound.

If iteration is faster and more efficient to use than recursion, why use recursion at all? Beyond the general elegance of expressing an algorithm using recursion, there is a very specific reason in Csound to use it that has to do with opcodes and how Csound is implemented under the hood.

If we try to write the above additive synth code in a loop like so:

kcount = 0
aout = 0


kenv_local = kenv_local * kenv

kfreq   tablei kcount, itable
kamp    tablei kcount + 1, itable

kfreq   = kpch * kfreq

asig   oscil3 kamp, kfreq, gi_sine
aout    = aout + asig

loop_lt kcount, 2, itablesize, loopStart

At first it seems like this code should work: clear the aout variable in the beginning of this performance pass, then in a loop synthesize using oscil3 and add that signal to the aout, then after the loop is done output the collected output. However, this will not work: We will get sound out, but it certainly won't be what we expected!

The reasons for why this does not work are a bit technical to explain so I will do so in the following section. For the purpose of this article though, I think it is enough to know that to call a variable number of opcodes, one must do it using a UDO that recursively calls itself if the opcodes. The only exception to this is if the opcode does not maintain any state (i.e. a UDO that just returns a value only depending on what is being passed in), but on the whole, the above rule will apply.

Technical Explanation

The line of code in red above--the call to oscil3 within the loop--at first glance may seem like it might work. The problem I think is that sometimes when we call opcodes it feels like we are calling a function, when really it is more like a call to a method of an object. When Csound compiles the above code excerpt, the opcode line in red is really only created once within the loop block. Most opcodes like oscil3 involve stateful data as properties, in this case the current phase in reading the ftable, and the opcodes are made with the assumption that they will only get called once per performance pass.

If we call an opcode multiple times in a performance pass, even with different parameters, it's internal information will be updated that many multiple number of times. Under normal conditions Csound will run and assemble a buffers worth of audio data, output it, then grab more on the next performance pass. Now, lets say the above loop is supposed to run eight times before exiting, by calling the opcode eight times and collecting the data, it's as if we are generating ahead eight buffers worth of audio data and mixing it together, but also throwing in different parameters on each call to the opcode. It won't yield the affect of having eight different oscillators.

Csound opcodes are made up of a data struct and functions which process using that struct passed in. This is how most object systems are done in C. So in compiling the orc code with the loop above, Csound will only allocate one struct for that line of code. Now, as that struct is really acting as an object, calling it eight times is as if calling a method on an object eight times, and since the object's method has side-effects in updating the objects state, we can see that having opcodes that have stateful information in a loop is not safe to use.


We've looked at a number of ways to controlling the flow of operation in Csound instrument code. By knowing these tools, we will be able to write instrument code that can handle more complicated needs of the user, as well as more easily write reusable code. I hope you've enjoyed these articles introducing the techniques of branching, looping, subroutines, and recursion, and that they serve you well in helping to express your musical ideas.