pyeval Opcodes

pyeval — Evaluate a generic Python expression and store the result in a Csound variable at k-time or i-time (i suffix).


kresult pyeval "expression"
iresult pyevali "expression"
kresult pyleval "expression"
iresult pylevali "expression"
kresult pyevalt ktrigger, "expression"
kresult pylevalt ktrigger, "expression"


These opcodes evaluate a generic Python expression and store the result in a Csound variable at k-time or i-time (i suffix).

The expression must evaluate in a float or an object that can be cast to a float.

They can be used effectively to trasfer data from a Python object into a Csound variable.

Example of the pyeval Opcode Group

The code:

k1           pyeval      "v1"        

will copy the content of the Python variable v1 into the Csound variable k1 at each k-time.


Copyright (c) 2002 by Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu. All rights reserved. Portions copyright (c) 2004 and 2005 by Michael Gogins. This document has been updated Sunday 25 July 2004 and 1 February 2005 by Michael Gogins.