
midichn — Returns the MIDI channel number from which the note was activated.


midichn returns the MIDI channel number (1 - 16) from which the note was activated. In the case of score notes, it returns 0.


ichn midichn


ichn -- channel number. If the current note was activated from score, it is set to zero.


Here is a simple example of the midichn opcode. It uses the file midichn.csd.

Example 252. Example of the midichn opcode.

See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in   No messages  MIDI in
-odac           -iadc     -d         -M0  ;;;RT audio I/O with MIDI in
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o midichn.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

; Initialize the global variables.
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1

; Instrument #1.
instr 1
  i1 midichn

  print i1


; Play Instrument #1 for 12 seconds.
i 1 0 12


Here is an advanced example of the midichn opcode. It uses the file midichn_advanced.csd.

Don't forget that you must include the -F flag when using an external MIDI file like “midichn_advanced.mid”.

Example 253. An advanced example of the midichn opcode.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in   No messages  MIDI in
-odac           -iadc     -d         -M0  ;;;RT audio I/O with MIDI in
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o midichn_advanced.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr	=  44100
ksmps	=  10
nchnls	=  1

	massign  1, 1		; all channels use instr 1
	massign  2, 1
	massign  3, 1
	massign  4, 1
	massign  5, 1
	massign  6, 1
	massign  7, 1
	massign  8, 1
	massign  9, 1
	massign 10, 1
	massign 11, 1
	massign 12, 1
	massign 13, 1
	massign 14, 1
	massign 15, 1
	massign 16, 1

gicnt	=  0			; note counter

	instr 1

gicnt	=  gicnt + 1	; update note counter
kcnt	init gicnt	; copy to local variable
ichn	midichn		; get channel number
istime	times		; note-on time

	if (ichn > 0.5) goto l2		; MIDI note
	printks "note %.0f (time = %.2f) was activated from the score\\n", \
		3600, kcnt, istime
	goto l1
	printks "note %.0f (time = %.2f) was activated from channel %.0f\\n", \
		3600, kcnt, istime, ichn


t 0 60
f 0 6 2 -2 0
i 1 1 0.5
i 1 4 0.5


Its output should include lines like:

note 7 (time = 0.00) was activated from channel 4
note 8 (time = 0.00) was activated from channel 2

See Also



Author: Istvan Varga
May 2002

The simple example was written by Kevin Conder.

New in version 4.20