
lposcilsa2 — Read stereo sampled sound from a table with optional looping and high precision.


lposcilsa2 reads stereo sampled sound from a table with optional looping and high precision.


ar1, ar2 lposcilsa2 aamp, kfreqratio, kloop, kend, ift [,iphs] 


ift - function table number

iphs - initial phase (in samples)


ar1, ar2 - output signal

aamp - amplitude

kfreqratio - multiply factor of table frequency (for example: 1 = original frequency, 2 = an octave up). Only integers are allowed

kloop - loop point (in samples)

kend - end loop point (in samples)

lposcilsa2 is the same as lposcilsa, but no interpolation is implemented and only works with integer kfreqratio values. Much faster than lposcilsa, it is mainly intended to be used with kfreqratio = 1, being in this case a fast substitute of soundin, since the soundfile must be entirely loaded in memory.

See Also

lposcil, lposcila, lposcilsa


Author: Gabriel Maldonado

New in version 5.06