
ftgen — Generate a score function table from within the orchestra.


Generate a score function table from within the orchestra.


gir ftgen ifn, itime, isize, igen, iarga [, iargb ] [...]


gir -- either a requested or automatically assigned table number above 100.

ifn -- requested table number If ifn is zero, the number is assigned automatically and the value placed in gir. Any other value is used as the table number

itime -- is ignored, but otherwise corresponds to p2 in the score f statement.

isize -- table size. Corresponds to p3 of the score f statement.

igen -- function table GEN routine. Corresponds to p4 of the score f statement.

iarga, iargb, ... -- function table arguments. Correspond to p5 through pn of the score f statement.


This is equivalent to table generation in the score with the f statement.

[Warning] Warning

Although Csound will not protest if ftgen is used inside instr-endin statements, this is not the intended or supported use, and must be handled with care as it has global effects. (In particular, a different size usually leads to relocation of the table, which may cause a crash or otherwise erratic behaviour.


Here is an example of the ftgen opcode. It uses the file ftgen.csd.

Example 171. Example of the ftgen opcode.

See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in
-odac           -iadc    ;;;RT audio I/O
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o ftgen.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

; Initialize the global variables.
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1

; Table #1, a sine wave using the GEN10 routine.
gitemp ftgen 1, 0, 16384, 10, 1

; Instrument #1 - a basic oscillator.
instr 1
  kamp = 10000
  kcps = 440
  ; Use Table #1.
  ifn = 1

  a1 oscil kamp, kcps, ifn
  out a1


; Play Instrument #1 for 2 seconds.
i 1 0 2


Here is another example of the ftgen opcode. It uses the file ftgen-2.csd.

Example 172. Example of the ftgen opcode.

This example queries a file for it length to create an f-table of the appropriate size.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in
-odac           -iadc    ;;;RT audio I/O
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o ftgen-2.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

  sr	    =  48000
  ksmps	    =  16
  nchnls    =  2

;Example by Jonathan Murphy 2007

  0dbfs	    =  1

    instr 1

  Sfile	    =    "beats.wav"

  ilen	    filelen   Sfile  ; Find length
  isr	    filesr    Sfile  ; Find sample rate

  isamps    =  ilen * isr  ; Total number of samples
  isize	    init      1

  isize	    =  isize * 2
; Loop until isize is greater than number of samples
if (isize < isamps) igoto loop

  itab	    ftgen     0, 0, isize, 1, Sfile, 0, 0, 0
	    print     isize
	    print     isamps


i1 0 10

See also

GEN routine overview


Author: Barry L. Vercoe
M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass

Example written by Kevin Conder.

Added warning April 2002 by Rasmus Ekman