instr 122
  instr 122 ; Simple Spectral Fusion
idur = p3
iamp = ampdb(p4)
ifrq = cpspch(p5)
ifun = p6
iatk = p7
irel = p8
iatkfun = p9
index1 = p10
index2 = p11
kenv envlpx iamp, iatk, idur, irel, iatkfun, .7, .01
kmodswp expon index1, idur, index2
kbuzswp expon 20, idur, 1
asig3 foscil kenv, ifrq, 1, 1, kmodswp, ifun
asig2 buzz kenv, ifrq*.99, kbuzswp+1, ifun
asig1 pluck iamp, ifrq*.5, ifrq, 0, 1
amix = asig1+asig2+asig3
  out amix
  dispfft amix, .25, 1024
;Function 1 uses the GEN10 subroutine to compute a sine wave
;Function 9 uses the GEN05 subroutine to compute an exponential Attack for use with envlpx
;Function 10 uses the GEN05 subroutine to compute an exponential Attack for use with envlpx

f 1 0 4096 10 1
f 9 0 513 5 .001 128 .8 128 .6 256 1
f 10 0 513 5 .01 64 1 64 .5 64 .99 64 .6 64 .98 64 .7 64 .97 32 .8 32 1

;ins st dur amp frq fun atk rel atkfun indx1 indx2
i 122 0 4 70 7.09 1 .01 .2 10 1 30
i 122 4.5 5 70 7.00 1 1 .1 9 10 60
i 122 10 10 70 5.09 1 3 2 10 60 3
i 122 13 7 66 7.04 1 .5 1 9 3 100