instr 118
  instr 118 ; Loscil with Oscil Envelope
k1 oscil p4, 1/p3, p7
k2 expseg p5, p3/3, p8, p3/3, p9, p3/3, p5
a1 loscil k1, k2, p6
  out a1
;Function 3 uses the GEN20 subroutine to compute a Hanning window for use as a grain envelope
;Function 4 uses the GEN01 subroutine to read in an AIF audio file
;Function 5 uses the GEN01 subroutine to read in annother AIF audio file
;Function 6 uses the GEN07 subroutine to compute a linear AR "GATE" envelope function
;Function 7 uses the GEN07 subroutine to compute a linear ADSR envelope function
;Function 8 uses the GEN05 subroutine to compute an exponential ADSR envelope function

f 3 0 4097 20 2 1
f 4 0 0 1 "sing.aif" 0 4 0
f 5 0 0 1 "hellorcb.aif" 0 4 0
f 6 0 1024 7 0 10 1 1000 1 14 0
f 7 0 1024 7 0 128 1 128 .6 512 .6 256 0
f 8 0 1024 5 .01 256 1 192 .5 256 .5 64 .01

;ins strt dur amp frq1 sample envfn frq2 frq3
i 118 0 2.31 30000 440 4 7 430 450
i 118 3 4.62 30000 220 4 8 225 215
i 118 8 2.28 10000 442 5 6 444 438
i 118 8.3 2.28 10000 438 5 6 441 435
i 118 8.8 2.1 10000 450 5 6 460 445
i 118 11 4.62 10000 219 4 3 221 218
i 118 11 4.62 10000 440 4 7 438 442
i 118 11.5 2.31 10000 554.4 4 8 550 560
i 118 12 2.31 10000 659.2 4 7 640 666
i 118 14 3 20000 440 5 6 439 441