instr 117
  instr 117 ; Grains through an Envelope
k2 linseg p5, p3/2, p9, p3/2, p5
k3 line p10, p3, p11
k4 line p12, p3, p13
k5 expon p14, p3, p15
k6 expon p16, p3, p17
a1 grain p4, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, 1, p6, 1
a2 linen a1, p7, p3, p8
  out a2
;Function 1 uses the GEN10 subroutine to compute a sine wave
;Function 3 uses the GEN20 subroutine to compute a Hanning window for use as a grain envelope

f1 0 4096 10 1
f3 0 4097 20 2 1

; ins strt dur amp frq fn atk rel bend dens1 dens2 ampof1 ampof2 pchof1 pchof2 gdur1 gdur2
i 117 0 5 1000 440 3 1 .1 430 12000 4000 120 50 .01 .05 .1 .01
i 117 6 10 4000 1760 3 5 .1 60 5 200 500 1000 10 20000 1 .01